$MEME is the best NFT and DeFi story of 2020

The Blockchain Review
2 min readSep 17, 2020

Disclaimer: This article is not intended as investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.


Decentralized Finance or DeFi has taken the cryptocurrency world by storm. New projects are created every day by bright developers in hopes of creating the next unicorn such as Yearn Finance. There are also projects made by scammers and rug pullers who just want to make quick money. DeFi projects with fruit emojis have either burned naive investors or made investors rich overnight. There is a project that on surface looks like a meme, but in reality has the potential to be around for a long time. That project is called MEME.

$MEME allows users to farm limited edition NFTs that could then be sold on the open market such as opensea. A legendary Sergey Nazarov was sold for 77 ETH last week. We can learn from Dogecoin that memes have a lot of power on the internet. Dogecoin is still around because it is a meme that has value. MEME developers continue to add new functionalities and new cards/farms every week. Only 28,000 MEMEs exist and none will ever be created again. If MEME reaches the cult status of Dogecoin, MEME has the potential to reach 100 top coins via marketcap.

NFT technology has the power to revolutionize several industries such as art and video games. MEME is riding the hype of both NFT technology and decentralized finance. The developers have the opportunity to create a company that will be around for many years if they continue to innovate and be creative. This is not financial advice, DO NOT BUY MEME.



The Blockchain Review

Blockchain will change the world and the change will start at local communities.